Upcoming Events
Check out these fun-filled events
Touching the Grain
Sunday 5th May 2.30pm Mayfield Scout Hut, TN20 6PJ
Poetry Fund-raising event for the Motor Neurone Disease Association
Written and read by Pat Robson
In January 2006 Pat’s dear friend Irene Dowden was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. Along with many others, Pat visited her regularly and spent time with her until her death in July 2008.
Ten years on, Pat wrote about their time together in a collection of poems under the title ‘Touching the Grain’.
This event is an opportunity to learn about the work of the Motor Neurone Disease Association, listen to a reading of original poems, ask questions, share your thoughts and experiences.
A donation of £10 will include an afternoon tea and a copy of the poems.
All monies raised will go to support the work of the MNDA.
Please let Pat know if you can join her by emailing our email address: [email protected]
Poetry Fund-raising event for the Motor Neurone Disease Association
Written and read by Pat Robson
In January 2006 Pat’s dear friend Irene Dowden was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. Along with many others, Pat visited her regularly and spent time with her until her death in July 2008.
Ten years on, Pat wrote about their time together in a collection of poems under the title ‘Touching the Grain’.
This event is an opportunity to learn about the work of the Motor Neurone Disease Association, listen to a reading of original poems, ask questions, share your thoughts and experiences.
A donation of £10 will include an afternoon tea and a copy of the poems.
All monies raised will go to support the work of the MNDA.
Please let Pat know if you can join her by emailing our email address: [email protected]
Off the Wall: An Exhibition of the Work of Louise Body
St Dunstan’s Church, High Street, Mayfield TN20 6AQ
7th - 12th May 9am - 5pm
Louise is a highly successful artist, wallpaper and fabric designer and muralist. Having worked with and designed for Laura Ashley, Paul Smith, Dr Martens, Osborne & Little, V&A Museum and many others. Her work is regularly featured in magazines and has been published in several books.
Louise’s inspiration and love of art grew from her times spent as a child in her grandmother’s art studio here in Mayfield. She writes;
‘I feel a strong connection with Mayfield, as a child I would regularly visit my grandparents who lived here. I loved spending time with my grandmother in her purpose-built studio in the garden of Twitten End Cottage. She would let me use her best oil paints and pastels and encouraged me to draw and paint.
I studied Fine Art / Painting at Nottingham Trent University and graduated in 1996.
After a few years of travelling in India and Mexico, I settled down in the creative seaside town of Brighton, on the south coast of the UK. I had a studio and was part of a studio group called Maze, I exhibited my paintings regularly. In 2002 I exhibited in a group show call ‘Housebound’ and rather than producing a new painting, I created a screen-printed wallpaper called ‘More Tea Vicar’. This was the catalyst for my foray into the world of wallpaper. The following year, I received a loan from the Princes Trust and set up my business in making wallpaper.
I now live and work further along the coast in another creative seaside town; St Leonards, with my family. I design wallpaper and fabrics and I still paint. I collaborate with other designers and also teach wallpaper printing in my studio. Over the years, I have worked with Laura Ashley, Paul Smith, Dr Martens, Osborne & Little, V&A Museum and many others. My work is regularly featured in magazines and has been published in several books.’
7th - 12th May 9am - 5pm
Louise is a highly successful artist, wallpaper and fabric designer and muralist. Having worked with and designed for Laura Ashley, Paul Smith, Dr Martens, Osborne & Little, V&A Museum and many others. Her work is regularly featured in magazines and has been published in several books.
Louise’s inspiration and love of art grew from her times spent as a child in her grandmother’s art studio here in Mayfield. She writes;
‘I feel a strong connection with Mayfield, as a child I would regularly visit my grandparents who lived here. I loved spending time with my grandmother in her purpose-built studio in the garden of Twitten End Cottage. She would let me use her best oil paints and pastels and encouraged me to draw and paint.
I studied Fine Art / Painting at Nottingham Trent University and graduated in 1996.
After a few years of travelling in India and Mexico, I settled down in the creative seaside town of Brighton, on the south coast of the UK. I had a studio and was part of a studio group called Maze, I exhibited my paintings regularly. In 2002 I exhibited in a group show call ‘Housebound’ and rather than producing a new painting, I created a screen-printed wallpaper called ‘More Tea Vicar’. This was the catalyst for my foray into the world of wallpaper. The following year, I received a loan from the Princes Trust and set up my business in making wallpaper.
I now live and work further along the coast in another creative seaside town; St Leonards, with my family. I design wallpaper and fabrics and I still paint. I collaborate with other designers and also teach wallpaper printing in my studio. Over the years, I have worked with Laura Ashley, Paul Smith, Dr Martens, Osborne & Little, V&A Museum and many others. My work is regularly featured in magazines and has been published in several books.’

The exhibition will be open from 9am - 5pm every day. Entry is free and donations can be made towards the Church Roof Appeal
Please take your time to browse and enjoy the art.
Louise will also be holding a lino-cut printing workshop on Saturday 11th May in the morning (9.30am - 12.30pm - before the Mayfair starts) - if you’re interested in taking part in this please email to book at [email protected]
Suitable for adults and older children (involves use of sharp tools) It costs £35.
Please take your time to browse and enjoy the art.
Louise will also be holding a lino-cut printing workshop on Saturday 11th May in the morning (9.30am - 12.30pm - before the Mayfair starts) - if you’re interested in taking part in this please email to book at [email protected]
Suitable for adults and older children (involves use of sharp tools) It costs £35.
St Dunstan's Church, High Street in MAYFIELD
Thursday 9th May 7:30pm Doors open 7:00pm
Thursday 9th May 7:30pm Doors open 7:00pm

From the creators of A Monk's Tale and The God Particle comes a new show telling the fascinating story of the Murder of Thomas Becket. With jokes and songs, obviously.
850 years ago Thomas Becket was famously murdered by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral. A Turbulent Priest follows the extraordinary story of Thomas and King Henry II, their bromance, bust-up and betrayals. In short, plenty to sing about.
A brand new comedy with songs for the stage
This is a show about Thomas Becket and his bromance-gone-wrong with Henry II. But at heart, the show asks questions about the place of the Church in our society. Does the State have final say over what’s right and wrong? Who rules? Should the Church make a stand and speak out? And are Christians prepared to face the consequences of that stand? Thomas was. And he paid with his head (or at least the top half of it. Ew.)
Tickets cost £12.50 and are available from:
(I appreciate this is a bit of a long web address - it may be easier go to www.onlineticketseller.com and search under ‘Arts, Theatre and Comedy’ and it will come up)
Tickets may also be purchased in person from Burnetts in the High Street.
or by emailing [email protected] with Turbulent Priest in the title.
There may be some tickets available on the night but please book in advance.
All proceeds from this event are going towards the Saint Dunstan’s Church Roof Fund
850 years ago Thomas Becket was famously murdered by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral. A Turbulent Priest follows the extraordinary story of Thomas and King Henry II, their bromance, bust-up and betrayals. In short, plenty to sing about.
A brand new comedy with songs for the stage
This is a show about Thomas Becket and his bromance-gone-wrong with Henry II. But at heart, the show asks questions about the place of the Church in our society. Does the State have final say over what’s right and wrong? Who rules? Should the Church make a stand and speak out? And are Christians prepared to face the consequences of that stand? Thomas was. And he paid with his head (or at least the top half of it. Ew.)
Tickets cost £12.50 and are available from:
(I appreciate this is a bit of a long web address - it may be easier go to www.onlineticketseller.com and search under ‘Arts, Theatre and Comedy’ and it will come up)
Tickets may also be purchased in person from Burnetts in the High Street.
or by emailing [email protected] with Turbulent Priest in the title.
There may be some tickets available on the night but please book in advance.
All proceeds from this event are going towards the Saint Dunstan’s Church Roof Fund
The Pink Cabbage,High Street, Mayfield
10th May 7:30pm with supper. Tickets: £25
omedy & Poetry Improv in the Pink Cabbage - This is a supper club with a twist.
Friday 10th May. Doors 7.30pm, supper and ents start 8pm
Tickets are £25 a head for a light supper and entertainment.
There once was a village called Mayfield…
There once was lady called Lucy…
BYO or buy drinks there.
Must be booked in advance by emailing [email protected]
10th May 7:30pm with supper. Tickets: £25
omedy & Poetry Improv in the Pink Cabbage - This is a supper club with a twist.
Friday 10th May. Doors 7.30pm, supper and ents start 8pm
Tickets are £25 a head for a light supper and entertainment.
There once was a village called Mayfield…
There once was lady called Lucy…
BYO or buy drinks there.
Must be booked in advance by emailing [email protected]
Louise Body Lino Cut Workshop
Venue to be confirmed
9:30am - 12:30pm Tickets: £35
CLouise will be holding a lino-cut printing workshop on Saturday 11th May in the morning (9.30am - 12.30pm - before the Mayfair starts) - if you’re interested in taking part in this please email to book at [email protected]
Suitable for adults and older children (involves use of sharp tools) It costs £35. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Local venue will be confirmed nearer the time.
9:30am - 12:30pm Tickets: £35
CLouise will be holding a lino-cut printing workshop on Saturday 11th May in the morning (9.30am - 12.30pm - before the Mayfair starts) - if you’re interested in taking part in this please email to book at [email protected]
Suitable for adults and older children (involves use of sharp tools) It costs £35. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Local venue will be confirmed nearer the time.
Eric MacLennan
Mayfield May Fair
11th May
A major coup for the village! Artist Eric MacLennan will be touring this piece of participative performance art around the UK in 2019 and is coming to Mayfield on the day of the Mayfair. Eric has been co-commissioned by the Turner Gallery in Margate. This project invites the public to engage in setting the world record for a painting that has been created by the largest number of artists.
The Open Air Drawing-Room ... begins with an antiquated artists drawing group setting up for some landscape painting. Arrival and un- packing of folding stools, easels, flasks, other knick-knacks and sandwiches etc But this is no ordinary show - for the audience will be drawn into the group!
11th May
A major coup for the village! Artist Eric MacLennan will be touring this piece of participative performance art around the UK in 2019 and is coming to Mayfield on the day of the Mayfair. Eric has been co-commissioned by the Turner Gallery in Margate. This project invites the public to engage in setting the world record for a painting that has been created by the largest number of artists.
The Open Air Drawing-Room ... begins with an antiquated artists drawing group setting up for some landscape painting. Arrival and un- packing of folding stools, easels, flasks, other knick-knacks and sandwiches etc But this is no ordinary show - for the audience will be drawn into the group!
Inspired by JMW Turner. A story that delightfully mixes historical biography with the fast contemporary world we now occupy. An invitation to slow-down. Paint a stone - for Turner - for The Turner Contemporary! Selected from...31 stones - a “mini museum” - each one from the coast of the British isles and named after the atmospheric areas of the shipping forecast . These stones were old when Turner was young. They will still be here when we are gone. We consider Time. We consider Art.
Each artist (audience member) also makes a Cyanotype portrait which will be exhibited as a mirror image to the final painting - A Sea of Faces - embracing Turner’s pioneering interest in photography and his desire to find new ways to embrace art.
Co commissioned with Applause Rural Touring and Turner Contemporary, Margate who will host the Turner prize in October 2019.
www.applause.org.uk www.ericmaclennan.com
Each artist (audience member) also makes a Cyanotype portrait which will be exhibited as a mirror image to the final painting - A Sea of Faces - embracing Turner’s pioneering interest in photography and his desire to find new ways to embrace art.
Co commissioned with Applause Rural Touring and Turner Contemporary, Margate who will host the Turner prize in October 2019.
www.applause.org.uk www.ericmaclennan.com
Saturday 11th May 7.30pm
Rose & Crown, Fletching St, Mayfield TN20 6TE
This is an informative and interesting talk on the history and evolution of gin - with generous tastings - including the launch of Mayfield Gin’s latest concept. Over 18s only.
All proceeds go to Mayfacs.
For Tickets or email [email protected]
Rose & Crown, Fletching St, Mayfield TN20 6TE
This is an informative and interesting talk on the history and evolution of gin - with generous tastings - including the launch of Mayfield Gin’s latest concept. Over 18s only.
All proceeds go to Mayfacs.
For Tickets or email [email protected]
Music in the Rose & Crown.
The Mayberries
The Rose & Crown, Fletching St, Mayfield TN20 6TE
11th May, 9PM Tickets: FREE
(Mayfield band) are playing at the Rose & Crown - not the Varlies as previously listed. Saturday 11th May 9pm. The Mayberries are a local band (vocals, drums, bass, two guitars, and
saxophone) playing a mixture of rhythm and blues, americana, and some
rock and roll classics.
11th May, 9PM Tickets: FREE
(Mayfield band) are playing at the Rose & Crown - not the Varlies as previously listed. Saturday 11th May 9pm. The Mayberries are a local band (vocals, drums, bass, two guitars, and
saxophone) playing a mixture of rhythm and blues, americana, and some
rock and roll classics.
Hannah Maxwell: I, AmDram

Rose & Crown, Fletching St, Mayfield TN20 6TE
Sunday 12th May, 5pm Tickets: Free
A comedy about life growing up in an am-dram family - very on point for Mayfield after last year’s amazing village play.
"My voice cracked on the high note. I saw my Nan wince. The blood rushed to my cheeks - and a century's lineage lay shattered on the floor.”
In this affectionate tribute Hannah Maxwell makes a prodigal’s return to the musty vibrancy of amateur dramatics – her family’s consuming passion for 89 years and four generations.
Weaving storytelling, stand-up, live art and a manageable amount of musical theatre references, I, AmDram traces the distance between queer, quirky London and the rehearsal halls of Home Counties suburbia; minding the gap between the identities we assert and the worlds we leave.
A rare and instant likability… startlingly witty A Younger Theatre
I loved this show so much! Watch out for it. If it comes to a theatre near you or even miles away, GO! @JonPointing (Plebs, BBC3)
The Rose and Crown are serving food until 4pm - why not book a table for a late Sunday lunch then stay for the show? (01435 872200)
The show is free, but a charity collection will take place. All proceeds will go to Mayfacs and the Pre-school.
This show is organised with the help of the amazing organisation INNCROWD https://inncrowd.org.uk/
Sunday 12th May, 5pm Tickets: Free
A comedy about life growing up in an am-dram family - very on point for Mayfield after last year’s amazing village play.
"My voice cracked on the high note. I saw my Nan wince. The blood rushed to my cheeks - and a century's lineage lay shattered on the floor.”
In this affectionate tribute Hannah Maxwell makes a prodigal’s return to the musty vibrancy of amateur dramatics – her family’s consuming passion for 89 years and four generations.
Weaving storytelling, stand-up, live art and a manageable amount of musical theatre references, I, AmDram traces the distance between queer, quirky London and the rehearsal halls of Home Counties suburbia; minding the gap between the identities we assert and the worlds we leave.
A rare and instant likability… startlingly witty A Younger Theatre
I loved this show so much! Watch out for it. If it comes to a theatre near you or even miles away, GO! @JonPointing (Plebs, BBC3)
The Rose and Crown are serving food until 4pm - why not book a table for a late Sunday lunch then stay for the show? (01435 872200)
The show is free, but a charity collection will take place. All proceeds will go to Mayfacs and the Pre-school.
This show is organised with the help of the amazing organisation INNCROWD https://inncrowd.org.uk/